Top tips on reducing the price of your car insurance policy

If you’re proactive in your search for cheap car insurance, then there’s some good news. You will save money and reduce your premiums. The worst thing you can do as a consumer – is nothing. Every year...

The future of cars. What can we expect in 10 years time?

In the last 100 years, we’ve gone from riding on a horse and cart to having a brand new car (or two) sitting in the driveway. Car technology is evolving at an exponential rate and there are some huge changes...

How to make you and your car safer

Knowing that you’re fully covered in the event of an accident is a great feeling, however what’s even better is when you’re fully covered and you don’t need to use it. After all prevention is better than cure. Recently at Cheap Car Insurance, we...

The most dangerous times to be on the road

No one wants to be involved in a car accident, but given the amount of cars on the roads and the ever increasing populations in cities like Sydney and Melbourne – the stats tell us that we are more than likely going to get into a small bingle...

Buying your First Car

Getting your driver’s license and buying your first car have long been a right of passage in Australia. Having a car of your own means freedom and best of all – no more public transport. Here’s a guide that all new drivers can use to...

Are your Children Hurting your Car Insurance Premiums?

It’s common knowledge that young drivers under the age of 25 are going to face higher premiums than their more seasoned counterparts. However getting the best deal on car insurance when it comes to including children is not always as straightforward...